Sing Street-Watch it…


It is an amazing feeling when you sit down to watch a movie and you really don’t know what you are getting yourself into.  I loved the movie, “Once” and “Begin Again” and when I saw the trailer to “Sing Street,” and saw that it was the same director, I was excited but I didn’t think that I would give it a chance because it was based in Dublin, Ireland. I usually don’t give movies not based in America a chance.  I’m glad I gave this one a chance.  There was a lot that I connected with.

  • His parents are getting divorced and fighting all the time. (not this one…love you mom and dad!)
  • He falls for the pretty girl.
  • He is getting bullied
  • Renews a relationship with his brother
  • Starts a band
  • Falls for the girl again
  • Sings at school

Where to start, when the movie ended, I actually cried.  There is something to be said about having a brother and listening to him and relying on him for help.  What a nice ending to a wonderfully made movie.  Sing Street took me back to my childhood and beginning teenage years, where MTV actually showed videos, everybody’s hair was so big and there were no cell phones.


The characters had to knock on doors to talk to each other and had to spend time in a room together to get work done, the band had to write songs together.

The characters in this movie were unique, with their own stories and their own worlds that they were living.  It was a fabulous mix for the band and as they got the band together, I was really wondering how this group was going to put together a tune, boy they did.

It reminded me of the times where I would spend time with my brother and sister and just talk.  It reminded me of the times that I would hang out with my friends and watch the Steelers.

This is my sister, Jamie, Me and my brother, Jason.

It also made me realize what I didn’t do as a kid!  That one girl I would not talk to, I didn’t try to talk them and how I didn’t try out for those teams that I wanted to in high school.

As a teacher, I want my own kids and students to know that they have to try their best.  They have to do their best.  They need to talk to people.  Live life, smile, sing, be there in this wonderful world that we are living.  What an amazing experience and I’m so happy that I bought this movie.

“For our art, Cosmo, you can never do anything by half!” This was a quote in the movie when the band was filming a music video and the female lead, Ann, needed to look as if she was jumping in the water, but they wanted to pretend.   When they shot the scene, she jumped into the water and had the lead singer, Conor, jump in after her.  He asked her why, and she said the above quote.  Then he kissed her.  Great scene!

This is the attitude that I want for my kids in class.  They need to realize that the things they do, the work they complete, the teams they try out for need to be completed or tried out for completing things in LIFE.

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