I am watching “Orange is the New Black, Season 4″ right now.  Thanks to Netflix, HBO Now and SHOWTIME Anytime, we can “binge watch” many of our current new shows or old shows that we forgot about and loved as our younger self.  netflix

Not to give anything away, sometime during the current season of the show, a character leaves the show unexpectedly. This happens so many times in so many shows and now I feel sad.  The aftermath of this makes me sad.  It’s interesting how something like this happens in a women’s prison compared to the fictional hospital or a neighborhood or a school in our favorite shows.

237759_originalWatching the next episode of Orange, I can remember Dr. Romano in ER and how the helicopter fell on him. It reminds me of the last episode of many of the characters in LOST and Grey’s Anatomy and I am sure if you are reading this, you are thinking of your favorite character as they die or they leave the show because he/she moves away and will no longer be in the show.

I believe that a character left without the public knowing in Game of Thrones and/or The Good Wife.  I remember reading some tweets about the Game of Thrones character and my mom cried about whomever was no longer on The Good Wife.  It is an emotional thing for a character that you have known every Thursday night for an entire year or for those 2 weeks of binge watching.

markLexieI remember when Mark Sloan and Lexie Grey died in Grey’s Anatomy.  I remember when Carrie Torres almost died and when the interns passed during the shooting in the hospital and the one that tops it all, when Derek Shepard died.  Even I didn’t want that to happen.  My 8th grade Media Production class even gave Patrick Dempsey a shout out in our annual Lip Dub music video, check it out here and go to the 8:13 mark of the video!

4178795_640pxSo before I ruin anymore (Does anyone remember how Anthony Edwards(Dr. Mark Greene) left ER, so sad, expected but sad…..there is a connection to the characters that we love on the shows that we watch.  That hour we dedicate to our shows means the world to us and when a “loved one” leaves the show or unexpectedly dies, it is emotional.

I am sad that this character in “Orange is the New Black” is gone.  She was a good character, in the messed up world that she was a part of. And now season 4 is over and I have to wait an ENTIRE year until season 5 starts!  I better go to bed, it’s 2:15 in the AM!!!

PS…I know there are tons of shows and characters that I am missing right now that I was sad they unexpectedly died in the show, what character of your favorite show were you sad when they died in the show?

PSS…Sorry if I spoiled any of the above shows for any of you.

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