The Bear – Season 3 Ep. 5-7

Episode 5 – Children – “Iridescent” and Computer. “Want me to go grab a duck” “Please” “Sick, What kind of duck? Freshwater, I saw one in the park, should I go get a trash bag from Neil?”

Episode 6 – Napkins – The backstory of Tina, really beautiful episode. Nice connection to the first episode and boy she went through alot to get a job and how she found her way to The Beef.

Episode 7 – Legacy – Sweeps opens up a bit about how he messed up in baseball. Cool scene, I’d like to see his backstory in season 4. Sugar says, “It feels like eternity” and Tina says, “Then its gonna be an instant!” – them talking about Sugar’s baby.

***Sugar is my favorite character in this show and nothing bad better happen to her.***

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