The Bear – Episodes 8-9

Episode 8 – Ice Chips – Sugar is having her baby and Jamie Lee Curtis shows up as the only one that can help Sugar – She is perfect as the crazy ass mom! But she does have her motherly moments while Sugar is waiting to have her baby. Quote, “Mom, I make myself sick to make you feel better.” Sugar says this to her mom.

Fun fact: Dr. Levin, the doctor that is delivering Natalie’s baby, is the dad in Ghostlight, the movie I saw on Tuesday night.

Powerful, powerful episode, wait til you see the scene with Mom and Sugar just looking at each other when Pete comes in. With the music playing, it was an beautiful scene.

Episode 9 – Apologies – Carmy – Claire wouldn’t haunt us, because that would be chaos and she is peace.

Uncle Jimmy is talking to Carmy, “Dreams are a son of a bit–, aren’t they?”

It’s amazing what this show does to me. This scene where Tina and Marcus are working overtime to perfect their craft, Marcus asks Tina to taste her food and she asks him about his mom…and he mentions “flashes” of her. And I tear up as the power of this scene overwhelms me. Then they get into a way to improve the plate with pureed cauliflower and smoking it and the tears go away, like back to the real world and the stuff in front of me…..just powerful stuff.

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